Friday, September 25, 2009

Autumn Colours

Every year we have an autumn party at school in September or October.
Today there is an exhibition of students works which is called Autumn colours.
Students like to make various things using vegetables, flowers and leaves.


Dylan said...

That was cool, how you guys made all that stuff with food and other things like that.

Anonymous said...

Thats cool how did u make all that stuf out of autom frunt

Unknown said...

The design on the pumpkin is great and funny

AJ said...

It would be cool if our school did the Autumn thing to. I liked the way you did yours.

jojojo said...

I like how you guys made them like that so good job

Anonymous said...

That was cool.You guys are really creative.

Unknown said...

I would like to do things like that in our school.

Katy said...

That's FANTASTIC!!! I wish i was that creative!

Ashlie said...

Is that real vegetables?? Wow!! That's amazing how you made the Autumn scenes look so realistic!!

Mikayla said...

Hey that would be awesome if we would do things like that at our school... But I am glad that you guys shared that with us.

Dale said...

That is cool. Every time you post a new thing, it is better than the last time. I love all of your work.
Check out my blog

Amouze said...

I thought that the food art was real cool looking and made want to try it some day myself.

Unknown said...

That food art made me hungry. I know I couldn't eat it because (besides being 100s of miles away)it looked to nice. I can't do art on paper that good. Yet alone on food.I want to see the food next year. Keep the food up. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! That is so awesome i just want to sit here and look at your pictures forever!!!

Anonymous said...

thats cool i would want to be able to do those kind of things at my school. it all looks really cool

Ana said...

That is very creative creating sculptures that you guys made out of vegetables. Great Job!

Uriel said...

I love how you made the sculptures out of food. My favorite one was the frog. It was amazing!

Karla said...

Wow! I think that making things out of food must be very fun cause you keep to play with your food in way. You all seem very creative your school also seems like a lot of fun and learning at the time.

Anonymous said...

The stuff that was made by all of you was pretty cool keep making more things.

Unknown said...

i think that your sculptures are very cool

Unknown said...

thats pretty cool and creative. i like it!

Norberto said...

Man you guys are very creative. I really liked how guys created different kinds of animals castles and etc. It looked very good.

N@T0$H@ said...

I like the way you done your pumpkins. I think it is cool how you painted them.

LMusgrove said...

Hey everyone! My name's Lacey Musgrove. Im in Dr. Strange's computer class at the University of South Alabama in Mobile, Alabama, USA. These centerpieces are incredible, all of them. I particulary like the "Flower Girl" She's very pretty. I looked around your blog a little and it seems you all like to make things out of objects and food. How fun and creative! My blog is Check it out!

Kate said...

Hi! My name is Katie and I am a student in Dr. Strange's EDM310 class at the University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL, USA. I loved how you made the sculptures out of food.

Unknown said...

Dear Friends,
Thanks for your comments. It is very important for my students to know that you are interested in our school events.

Melissa Russell's EDM310 Blog said...

Hi everyone! My name is Brooke and I am a student in Dr. Strange's computer class at the University of South Alabama. I loved how you made sculptures out of food. My favorite was Mr. Frog. Very creative!

Unknown said...

I really like the display. Please email the site you used. It is great.

Mrs. Yollis said...

Dear Friends,

What impressive creations all of you have made! Thanks for sharing!

Mrs. Yollis